The Easy Way to Boost Your Web!

There are so many and different approaches to optimize your website into it’s finest performance. You can start from make some adjustment to your application, tuning on your database, to optimizing from server side and so forth. More likely there’re dozen documentation and tools around the internet. But one of the tools that i like the most is from firefox plugin, YSlow. It’s implementation based on Yahoo! Best Practice rules. So it help you to review and give a grade that represent how far your web ecosystem has been optimize.

After you know the rules, you’ll realize that it takes several step to implement the best practice rules into your application and environment. Like i said earlier, it can be from your content, application, server nor design. But the main problem is not every programmers knows about design, or designer to server or system administrator to application.

To make it easier there’s a module for Apache webserver to accommodate this problems. it’s called mod_pagespeed from Google project.

And what it does? basically this module will analyze your website and then try to improve your website by applying all necessary best practice rules, automatically. And it’s goal is to achieve best latency of your web ecosystem on serving the web pages.

Some of the improvements are:

    • Combine external Javascript into as few files as possible.
    • Combine external CSS into as few files as possible.
    • Some adjustment on expire header for static files (for caching mechanism)
    • To strip unused white space (space, tab, carriage return) , comments, quotes
    • Move CSS to Head (for fast canvas rendering)
  • etc

I’m not going to write the detail in this post. So i suggest you start implement this tools by install the module on your web server and see the result by yourself. And notice the different.

All the document, example and download link are available on their official website


Not all the ecosystem will run perfectly after installing this module. I strongly recommend to test this module on your development system first before go live.



Boyke D Triwahyudhi is a server guy that love to design a system not only by technology, but he focused on architecture approach as well. Grew up as Delphi programmer and currently enjoying playing on web and mobile ecosystem.

